Adventurer's Starter Kit - D&D 5th Edition
- ✅ They learn to play the game faster and easier
- ✅ They won't feel left behind or feel like they're being 'annoying' for asking questions
- ✅ The tools are already used and trusted by +20,000 D&D 5e beginners
- ✅ They spend more time roleplaying and less time looking up rules
- ✅ They're Digital Downloads
- ✅ $107 Worth of FREE Bonuses (See Them Below)

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What's Included
"I genuinely wish I had had something like these for my new adventurers over the last 20 years! They’re invaluable little resources for boosting confidence as my new players don’t feel sheepish having to ask to be reminded of these little essentials, until it becomes second nature."
- Tsarghax, Armor Class customer

FREE Limited Time Bonuses
You get these products worth $116, Free with your purchase today 👇

13 Class Specific Character Sheets
($65 Value)

Condition Rings & Tokens
($10 Value)

Adventurer's Logbook
($7 Value)

Monk Ki Point Tracker
($5 Value)

Spell Tracker
($5 Value)

Currency Cards & Coins
($10 Value)

Spell Sheet
($7 Value)

Certificate of Demise
($7 Value)

Player's Cheat Sheet

Aether Spell Cards Bundle

Character Creation & Level Up Guide

Druid Wild Shape Tracker

Inventory Sheets

Who is Armor Class?
Hi, I’m Mathias, founder (and one-man army) of Armor Class.
I started this store after struggling to get into Dungeons & Dragons due to shyness and insecurity.
I created tools for my group to make the game easier, and soon realized they could help others too.
My mission is to help new players and DMs feel more confident and immersed in the game.
I hope you find something here that can make your next session even more fun
Your most common questions, answered.