Lernen Sie die Künstler hinter der Armor Class kennen

Lernen Sie die Künstler kennen, die hinter den fantastischen Armor Class Designs stehen, die Sie für Ihre D&D-Abenteuer verwenden!

Willkommen in der Welt der Rüstungsklasse!

Wo Kreativität und Leidenschaft für das Spiel zusammenkommen, um einzigartige und immersive Accessoires für Ihr Spielerlebnis zu schaffen.

Unser Team aus talentierten Künstlern beherrscht nicht nur ihr Handwerk, sondern ist auch begeisterte Spieler des Spiels. Sie bringen ihre Liebe und ihr Wissen in jedes Stück ein, das sie kreieren.

Entdecken Sie die kreativen Köpfe hinter unseren Produkten und erhalten Sie einen Einblick in die Inspiration und Leidenschaft jedes Künstlers.

  • Armor Class Artist - Sarah Ross

    Sarah Ross

    Hi! I'm Sarah Ross, also known as Wayward Dreams Art. I'm a U.S. based artist who has hailed from many different states in my career, and currently I'm continuing my illustration and graphic design career out of Pennsylvania. Most works revolve around my fascination withfantasy and sci-fi, and character and creature creations. 

    My love of D&D spans over 20 years since someone first rolled up a Bard character sheet for me at 16 because" The Party Needed One of Those." 

    Despite not being a fan of social media, you can find me here on Instagram.

    Sehen Sie sich ihre Arbeit an 
  • Armor Class Artist - Adam Botsford

    Adam Botsford

    I'm a freelance illustrator with experience in both digital and traditional mediums. Additionally, I'm trained in traditional fine arts and have a variety of experience working specifically on fantasy and science-fiction illustrations. My specialty is creature and character design.

    These designs for Armor Class are my first ever character sheet designs. Each design is exclusively available here and inspired by my favorite aspects of each class. I wanted to create designs that appeals to both the power and mystery of each class. The cleric set might be my current favorite, quickly followed by the Rogue. I love the bright colors!

    You can find more of my art at instagram.com/adammbotsford 
    or adambotsford.com

    Sehen Sie sich seine Arbeit an 
  • Lucas Silva

    Hi I'm Lucas Silva, also known as @lu_waro, I'm a Brazilian concept artist who's passionate about games in general. Since my childhood, I've been inspired by video games and animations, where I discovered my love for fantastic worlds. My art is influenced by artists like Alexandre Diboine, Eiichiro Oda, Alberto Mielgo, Rael Lyra and Evan Amundsen. As a concept artist, I try to create captivating settings and characters, always aiming to convey a sense of adventure.

    You can find more of the art I've created here at https://www.artstation.com/lu_waro

    Sehen Sie sich seine Arbeit an